Friday, November 28, 2008

Intermittent chatter

We will leave for  South America, specifically Argentina, on December 7 and return February 3.   Visits with our families and friends over Thanksgiving became a possibility as events shifted, so Toni traveled to Fayetteville, NC and Florida while I visited my clan in  Jackson Hole, Salt Lake City and Bozeman.   Thanks to the many who made my trip so much more pleasant by offering me their couch to surf. Toni is in her element, and getting her much needed fix, being grandma with our beautiful grand-daughter.  It will sustain her temporarily.   
I am ecstatic about our "Endless Summer" as just a touch of the cold weather in Jackson and Bozeman, 10 degrees on several mornings, made me grateful that we have decided to take a winter off from winter.   
On the elections and so forth:  Continued detachment from the media and their deluge of information has given us a new perspective. Talking with people as we travel has given us a view that doesn't air on the 24 hour news programs.   It is our hope that the problems we are facing now bring about the awareness that Mother Earth is indeed in trouble and needs mankind to live up to the "kind".   We are elated about the election and believe that an awakening may be occurring.   While I feel powerless over Wall Street and the greed factor that dominates their culture I feel very powerful thanks to the election.  My vote counted.  
I will continue to post photos and fodder as we travel south of the equator and we will look forward to hearing from you.  

1 comment:

Barbara Anderson said...

Dear Toni & BK,
I thought about you but chose not to call, knowing how crazy your time would be until departure. Mom was so happy to have seen you, Toni, and excited about your call on your way to Argentina. It felt strange not to have an address for a Christmas card, but will e-mail. We'll look forward to reading all about your experiences in the next weeks. Be safe and know you are in our thoughts. Love, Barbara